Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Slate "Canvas"

I scavenged a random piece of slate from a local thrift store for something like $1. I wanted to try it as a unique canvas for an oil painting. It sat in my closet for months until I finally got around to digging it out. To prep it I simply masked the perimeter and painted a base of white acrylic. It took 3 coats of the acrylic to give a solid base. After drying, I freehand painted the barn in black and white acrylics; then masked off the barn. The only oil paint colors I used for this were ivory black, ultramarine blue, and titanium white. Combination blends of those colors gave me all the elements for this night scene. I did add a touch of cadmium red deep in a light glaze on the barn after all the other aspects were done. After pulling off the perimeter masking, the rough edged black slate really looked nice. I'm happy with the result. Something like this would make a nice gift. Now I just need to keep an eye out for random pieces of slate.

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