Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sugar Shanty

In a couple weeks it will be Maple Weekend in Lewis County. Many of the maple producers will have open houses where people can come and learn how the process works. Making maple syrup is a very labor intensive process. Pancakes, sausage, and real maple syrup... oh my! My painting for this evening was of a simple Sugar Shanty at night. This was painted on a small cast iron skillet that I scrounged at a local thrift store. It's quite small; only 6 inches in diameter. It probably was one of those holiday cookie novelty skillets. Just the same, its heavy for the diminutive size. Someday I'll scavenge a regular size one. For now this will do. It will look nice hanging by a nail on a wall.

I was going for a cold late-winter evening scene with this painting. The warm days and cold nights are good for sap flow. A single bucket hangs on a tap in the foreground maple tree. Some dead grass is poking up through the fast-melting snow pack. Some smoke floats from the chimney. Maybe the sap will be boiled down soon.

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