Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Handsaw Project

I've wanted to paint an old handsaw for quite some time. I finally scavenged two rusty saws from a garage sale. I needed to remove the handle and sand down the blade. I then applied a primer meant for rusty metal in an attempt to keep any residual rust from penetration back through and into my painting. After that I applied a base coat of matte black to one side and matte white on the other. The white side would serve as my canvas. Since I was experimenting, I stuck to a painting that I rather like; one of my deer scenes. After painting, I put the handle back on. I didn't do anything with the handle because I wanted to retain some of the old/worn out look to the saw as a reminder of the age. It was great to repurpose this old tool. I'll wait to see how well the oil paint adheres after is completely dries. It's possible that I need to prep the surface differently. Time will tell. So I'm holding on to the other saw until I know for sure. I'm not sure what scene I'll paint on the other one.

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