Monday, May 29, 2017

Outhouse oil painting

This subject is a bit different. 😄

My wife likes outhouses... not using them, but as a whimsical novelty. So I painted one for her. This wouldn't be any different than painting a barn, cabin, or other structure. I started with masking off a birch tree for later and painted the underlay of the outhouse with black/white acrylics. His takes some time. But detail in this early stage is important for the final product. Below is the canvas prior to oil paint steps.

Then I masked the outhouse after it dried. I used fast flow white as a base medium and started with the sky using ultramarine blue. The trees were added using a 1" texture brush. I varied the colors and values to give depth. Next came the grass area. I peeled back the birch tree masking tape and the completed that part. The final aspect was removing the masking from the outhouse. All I needed to do at this point was scrub on a clear glaze medium to the outhouse and lightly brush in a transparent brown. The brown was achieved using burnt sienna and a bit of ivory black. Again, keeping it very transparent I brushed it on to give the wood color but saving the undertones that give it age. That's it. It was a fun painting that will be put in our bathroom. Because, even bathrooms need a little decor.

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