Saturday, August 19, 2017

Cabin Window

I came upon an used picture frame at a garage sale that was sectioned like an old four pane window. I thought it would make a nice painting foreground; like peering out a cabin window at whatever is outside. I removed the back and g,ass as I didn't need those parts. I cut some foamboard to the frame size and then spray glued on some canvas paper to the foam. From there I went at painting another one of my autumn scenes. Once done, I set the foamboard canvas into the frame and viola...

A beautiful setting outside a cabin window.


  1. This is really creative, Scott! I'm so glad I remembered your URL so I could still follow along with your paintings. Keep up the good work - I love seeing it and I'm sure many others do as well

  2. Thanks Karena! I post random paintings here. Not all, but a good number of them.
