Wednesday, November 22, 2017

First Snow

Some of my oil paintings start out as a base acrylic underpainting. This is done on the blank white canvas. It’s then covered with masking tape (cutting ever so carefully with a crafting knife) and the oil paints are applied over it. Eventually the tape is removed and the acrylic underpainting is covered with a thin clear glazing medium, and touched up with oils to add detail and highlights. Below is an underpainting I did with shaded wood (brown) and white gesso, with a bit of black too.

The next day I finished the painting. Below is a little background on why I chose this particular scene.

I was out running in the snow a couple days ago. During the run I had five deer pass in front of me. It was dark, quiet, and overall a very nice moment. The deer all walked by me in not much of a hurry. They checked me over and didn’t find me all too threatening. One of the deer was small; I assume this will be that deer’s first winter. I wonder the struggles that they endure as they press on throughout the winter. Will that little one make it to spring? I’m not sure. But they are equipped for the rigors of a northern New York winter. I sure hope the little deer tastes the fresh green grass of spring. For now, there are months of snow, wind, and darkness to overcome.

This painting, “First Snow”, is just a reflection of that moment. There is a lot of wonder and awe out in the world.

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