Monday, November 20, 2017


I like to repurpose things when I can. Things like old picture frames. Not just any old frames, but ones that are made of real wood or have some character or unique traits. I found this small wood frame in a thrift store. It had a nice matte inside. The matte was a cream color with a sliver of blue trim around it. I thought the blue trim would go great with a winter scene. I was painting snowmen due to the season and figured it would make a nice gift for someone. I added a short string of lights in the “hands” of my snowman as if he/she were getting ready to put it on a tree. This of course is comical in itself. So I added the tiny tree that wouldn’t be able to support the lights anyway. Although not realistic of a scene, it is whimsical and fitting of the winter season. I really like the outcome. My wife will be giving this away to one of her friends who really likes snowmen.

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